Apple Redlove? Odysso


Apple plant

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¡®Odysso?¡¯ is the sweetest of the sweet Redlove? series, the first red-fleshed apple varieties with outstanding flavor and delicious aroma. Fruit¡¯s brilliant red exterior and sweet fragrance hint at delights just a slice away. Sweet, pinkish, rich-red marbled flesh imparts fresh fruitiness, with hints of berry flavor. Fruit¡¯s heady aroma reaches its peak after the later harvest, or 3¨C4 weeks in storage. ¡®Odysso?¡¯s 8-10' trees are edible landscaping at its most luscious, arrayed with red buds, pink flowers and clusters of red, red apples. Fruits make for great fresh eating, adding colorful spark to both leafy and fruit salads. Enjoy baked into pies and cakes or transformed into applesauce. Fruit, harvested in early October, is ready to eat from mid-to-late October, and storable until February. Scab and mildew resistant. Plant with another apple variety, such as another Redlove?, for the best fruit production.

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