Cat Grass Zumula


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Cyperus alternifolius, best known as umbrella plant, is an appealing grass-like plant related to sedge grass. ¡®Zumula¡¯s compact 10" height is perfectly suited for indoors. Young foliage is fresh and bright-green; in due course, distinctive ¡°umbrellas¡± make their appearance. Cats really enjoy it, but no worries¡ªit¡¯s not poisonous. And just listen to what they have to say!

¡°Prrrh! Meow meow meooow Zumula. Prrr meep¡ªmmph brrep. Meow mroww meow-meow oof! Meep prrr Zumula. Meewr!¡±

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