Kong® Empire Mix Coleus Pelleted Seed


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At last, all the glorious Kong® varieties in one mix, guaranteeing you the full range of bright colors and patterns! This Empire Mix contains Kong® Mosaic, Salmon Pink, Red, Rose, and Scarlet, for an unprecedented display of bold foliage in garden and container.

Kong® is a shade-loving Coleus renowned for its larger leaves and bolder patterns on very compact plants. Just 18 to 20 inches high, it reaches 15 to 18 inches wide, yet the leaves can be fully a foot long! Neatly serrated, they are patterned in brilliant combinations of reds, greens, whites, creams, yellows, and even hard-to-find pinks!

This annual is prized for its ease of growth and "always in bloom" nonstop color. It thrives in partial shade and any good, well-drained soil. As flower spikes begin to form above the leaves, snip them away promptly. This will promote even more lush leaves to set, and will keep your Kongs® at their very best.

Sowing and growing this Coleus is a snap. Germinate the seed indoors at 72 to 75 degrees F, lightly covering the seed or simply dropping one seed per hole into the bio sponges of your Bio Dome. Keep the soil moist by misting if using seed trays (the Bio Dome operates by bottom-watering, so this isn't an issue), and keep humidity high by placing plastic over the seed tray or keeping the dome of the Bio Dome in place. Grow the seedlings on at 68 to 70 degrees during the day, with cooler nights if possible -- Kong® is not fussy about temperature and will do well in a wide range of conditions. Transplant the seedlings when they have at least 2 sets of true leaves. Enjoy!

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