Fig Texas Ever-bearing


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The ¡®Texas Everbearing¡¯ fig is a reigning star in Figland. Hardy shrubs offer up a magnanimous harvest of soft, sweet, bell-shaped, dark-mahogany-purple fruits dense with sublime sweet pink-amber flesh. Figs are irresistible for fresh eating and fabulously flavorful in jellies, jams, cookies, and cakes. Growing to 12' high and 12' wide, stunning landscape shrubs (sometimes growing to small trees) come attired in shiny 3-5" lobed green foliage: visual background music for the plethora of yellow figs. Yields a moderate harvest of figs in May, before producing an impressively larger encore crop June through August. For peak flavor experience, let figs ripen on trees. As deer and birds are ardent fig-fanciers, protect your tree with netting when fruits are in evidence.

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