Greek Oregano Seeds



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Greek oregano is the true "wild oregano" found originally in Greece. With a stronger, more aromatic flavor and scent than regular oregano, it is one of the most important herbs of Italian, Greek and Mexican cooking. The flavor stands up to bold flavors like tomatoes, onion, garlic and beef.

Greek oregano is a bushy perennial with bright deep purple-brown stems and 1½-inch broadly ovate leaves that often have a red flush. Branched clusters of purple-pink flowers appear all summer. At maturity, this perennial reaches 18 inches tall and wide.

Oregano lives about five years as a useful culinary plant, longer as an ornamental. It gradually becomes woody, a very pretty effect but one that reduces the flavor and texture of the leaves. When your plants reach this stage, let them go to flower and set new seed for spring. It's easy!

Sow seeds in well-drained to dry, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun, or start them indoors in your Bio Dome or seed flats. They germinate in about two weeks. Even if you aren't using the fresh leaves as seasoning, trim the plant back every few weeks throughout the growing season to encourage better branching and the formation of more foliage. Zones 5-10. Pkt is 100 seeds.

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