Rhubarb Victoria


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(Synonym: Large Victoria.) We are delighted to make this popular and delicious variety available at last! Victoria is among the most widely-grown of all Rhubarb varieties, and the reasons are simple: it can be harvested after just one year, and it is without a doubt the sweetest and juiciest of all!

This plant reaches 2 to 3 feet high and 3 feet wide, with 24-inch stalks. These round, smoothly ribbed stalks range from pure green to speckled pink near the base, green at the top, with the occasional bright red stalk for variety. Contrary to popular myth, the redness of the stalk has nothing to do with the sweetness of the fruit -- Victoria is the unquestioned sweetest variety, yet has greener stalks than many others.

Victoria can be harvested the first year after planting. Space the plants about 3 feet apart in the garden, and if you're growing it in the South, be sure to give it a bit of shade and plenty of moisture. You will find Victoria very robust and long-lived, the tried-and-true favorite among gardeners and rhubarb lovers! Zones 3-9. Pack of 3.

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