Weigela Sonic Bloom® Pink


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Plant Patent #24,572. Cultivar name: 'Bokrasopin'

Once upon a time Weigela only bloomed for a few weeks a year. Then Sonic Bloom® Pink came along, and our gardens have been visions in pink ever since.

This free-flowering, heavily reblooming Weigela starts its long season with a big showing in late spring, then simply never quits all summer and into fall. A densely branched shrub, approximately 5 feet high and 5 feet wide, it offers masses of deep pink to rosy red flowers. They stand out brilliantly against hunter-green foliage, and never need deadheading.

Very low maintenance in any sun-soaked setting with well-drained, reasonably fertile soil, Sonic Bloom® Pink is a lovely addition to the foundation, driveway, or border. It can even act as a low, very colorful hedge.

A hummingbird magnet, this shrub is distasteful to deer and rabbits, making it a good choice for the perimeter of your property, to discourage those midnight feasters. Adaptable, easy, and so long-blooming, it's a must-have this season.

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