An impressive choice for its rich coral-peach tones set off in a dramatic dinnerplate flower form. The coloration will vary some depending on the temperature, and as the flowers open fully and mature they will develop rosier shades. That¡¯s part of the fun! Extra-large blooms make a big statement in flower arrangements, and in the garden on bushy plants with strong stems. For fewer but larger flowers, pinch off some of the buds when they¡¯re small so that the plant puts its energy into the showstoppers.
Dahlia Sherwood Peach
An impressive choice for its rich coral-peach tones set off in a dramatic dinnerplate flower form. The coloration will vary some depending on the temperature, and as the flowers open fully and mature they will develop rosier shades. That¡¯s part of the fun! Extra-large blooms make a big statement in flower arrangements, and in the garden on bushy plants with strong stems. For fewer but larger flowers, pinch off some of the buds when they¡¯re small so that the plant puts its energy into the showstoppers.