Bean Pole Carminat


Vegetable seeds

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What a perfectly delicious moment of summer magic! Warmed by the summer sun, we take in the nutty-sweet bean fragrance of the 8-9¡¯ bean plant before us. We linger to admire the delicate, vibrant green vines¨Cornamented with hundreds of rich, almost iridescent, purple pods¡ªmeandering up a trellis, rustling slightly in the warm summer breeze. Now we get down to business, gathering handfuls of ¡®Carminat¡¯s slender purple pods 8-9¡± long pods. Turning green once cooked, beans¡¯ rich flavor adds texture and nutty flavor to soups, stews, and salads. Or simply saut¨¦, braise or steam them for a few minutes, add a little butter, and enjoy.

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