Pams Choice Foxglove Seeds


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A new look for a reliable favorite, Pam's Choice may soon be yours, too, when you grow these stately 3- to 4-foot spikes and watch as the sedate white buds--crowded along the upper 3/4s of the sturdy stalks--open to magnificent, deep maroon throats! The maroon becomes spotted and speckled toward the petal edges, adding even more interest to this very unusually-colored plant. And because the large flowers open from the bottom of the spike up, each plant boasts fresh blooms for weeks! A distinctive choice for city or country gardens, combining elegant colors with the cottage-garden appeal of this garden classic!

Foxglove is easy to grow from seed. Situate it in full sun (in Northern climates) or partly-shade (in the South). A biennial, it asks only rich, moist soil to put on a fine show for several seasons. Superb in borders, beds, and open woodland gardens. Space 12 to 15 inches apart. Zones 4-8. Pkt is 50 seeds.

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