Monarda Sugar Buzz® Cherry Pops


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Bright and cheery with gorgeous cherry-red flowers with light-pink centers, Cherry Pops is a sweet treat for the garden in the summer, especially for hummingbirds, bees and butterflies! Ideally suited for the middle of the flower border at between 16 and 24 inches high, this easy-to-grow Monarda provides a dome of color with flowers up to 2½ inches wide perched atop the dark-green foliage.

Its foliage is more than just visually appealing, however, as it smells like mint when crushed and is often used to flavor tea. Cherry Pops is part of the exciting Sugar Buzzâ„?series of Bee Balm, growing an upright clump that fills out containers and tight garden spots without spreading. The blooms arise in midsummer, when red buds open to reveal cherry-bright flowers.

Thriving in full sun or partial shade, neutral or alkaline soil and consistent, average water requirements, this Bee Balm supplies an eclectic element and performs well in rain and cottage gardens. Growing at medium speed, it's deer resistant and tolerant of a wide range of conditions and climates.

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