Giant Cactus Mix Zinnia Seed Tape


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If you've ever longed for a really big, nice planting of Zinnia but lacked the time to get out there and measure rows, thin young seedlings, and generally keep up with the whole project, seed tape is the answer to your hopes! You literally lay it down on top of the soil where you want the plants to grow, cutting it to fit the space and arranging it in any pattern you like. Then rake or sprinkle about a half inch of soil on top of the tapes and water them in well. That's it -- in a few weeks you'll see evenly-spaced, healthy green shoots that need no thinning! Perfect for a cutting garden, a parterre, or a design of any kind in bed or container!

With this 15 feet of seed tape you get premium seed of cactus-flowered Zinnia, rare and very highly prized. This is a mix of 7 luscious colors for summer-long bloom! Masses of long, needle-thin petals just bursting with fascinating texture and long-lasting color decorate each of these big blooms. As easy to grow as the more familiar Dahlia-flowered Zinnia, this Giant Cactus Mix will be the new star of your garden and vase!

The blooms are fully double and stretch an amazing 4 to 5 inches across. Yet despite their massive size, they won't flop -- the long, strong stems are especially sturdy, keeping these blooms turned toward the sun for a week or more in the garden or as cutflowers! You'll love the many shades of yellow, orange, red, rose, pink, salmon, and white in this mix -- every day brings a fresh bouquet of color, all summer long!

These plants reach 30 inches tall and 12 inches wide, and begin flowering as soon as the summer weather arrives. They thrive in the blazing heat, asking only well-drained soil and adequate water to keep them colorful for months. If you like Zinnia Park's Picks Mix, you will be charmed by this unusual (and very reliable!) blend of "mum"-flowered blooms!

Zinnias are one of the easiest annuals to grow, and attract butterflies to the garden. They are outstanding in beds, borders, and containers, are are the perfect cut flower--the more you cut, the more you get! They thrive in the sun and heat of summer, and ask only well-drained soil. Their biggest enemy is mildew, so water them with a soaker hose or other ground-based spray to minimize wetting the foliage--or, if this isn't possible, water them early in the day, so that the leaves can dry off before nightfall.

When cutting the blooms for the vase, trim off all the foliage; unlike the blooms, it does not last well after cutting. Zinnia is a lovely companion to other summer bloomers in the vase; it has sturdy stems that help it keep its upright posture over a long period. Simply put, this is one of the easiest and most rewarding annuals to grow from seed! Enjoy! Contains 15 feet of seed tape.

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