Golden Guardian Marigold Seed Tape


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Tested successfully in Holland, Golden Guardian is a Marigold that packs a powerful punch--interplanted with vegetables (especially tomatoes), it is the most effective at killing harmful nematodes! With a 99% success rate over 3 months, Golden Guardian is even more effective than chemical pesticides! And the big, single-flowered golden-orange blooms are lovely.

Nematodes live in the soil, feeding on and damaging the roots of tomatoes and other young vegetables, resulting in reduced growth, yellowed and wilted plants, and poor yields. Marigolds have long been planted as a nematode repellent, but not until Golden Guardian has one been shown to actually be more effective at eliminating these pests than commercial pesticides! The natural way to grow beautiful blooms while protecting the vegetable crop, Golden Guardian belongs in every garden!

Sow direct in the garden when the soil has warmed, or start seeds indoors in late winter. Very easy to grow in full sun, it reaches 2 feet tall. Includes three 5-foot strips of seed tape.

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