Blackcurrant Swirl™ Angels Trumpet Seeds
The most dramatic Angel's Trumpet of all, this double-flowered beauty combines violet and silver tones with intense fragrance for a bowl-you-over gorgeous impact.
The flowers reach 6 to 8 inches wide, dangling profusely from bold purple stems. They appear in great numbers beginning in midsummer and lasting until the cold fall weather. A single Blackcurrant Swirlâ„?perfumes a garden and transforms a patio or deck into a tropical oasis. A large planting is almost an embarrassment of riches!
Angel's Trumpet is only hardy in zones 8 through 10, but this large, fountainous plant is grown everywhere. Its habit is just perfect for containers, looking absolutely stunning all by itself on the porch steps, in pairs flanking the garden entrance, or any other focal point of the landscape. Expect it to reach 3 feet high in full bloom and spread 2 to 3 feet wide, setting new buds by the dozen.
If you live in Blackcurrant Swirl'sâ„?hardiness range, try it among Hollyhocks and other tall, spiky perennials that will show off its arching stems to best effect. The grayish green foliage is handsome among all other colors as well. A very easy plant, eager to bloom and needing no special care beyond adequate water and plenty of sunshine.
Note: Angel's Trumpet flowers are poisonous to humans and animals, and their nectar can be harmful to hummingbirds in large quantities. If using Angel's Trumpets as part of a pollinator garden, be sure to provide alternative sources of nectar as well. Pkt is 20 seeds.