Astilbe Mighty® Chocolate Cherry


Astilbe Fireberry

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With tall, robust flower spikes that offer a huge pop of hot pink color, you'll want to plant this false spiraea by the masses in your garden!

Clusters of hot pink flowers are held at the top of tall stems in the shape of spikes. The flowers are dense and fluffy, offering tons of color that you just have to see to believe. The bright, piercing-red flowers are supported on deep burgundy to chocolate-red stems that complement the blooms nicely. The divided dark green and reddish-chocolate brown foliage also plays well off of the red tones of the flowers and stems. This color show is truly a showstopper!

Reaching about 4 feet high and wide, Mighty Chocolate Cherry is perfect in any border, and covers foundations well. It enjoys part to full shade, so it will thrive in woodland areas. Deer and pest resistant, you won't have to worry about this low maintenance plant!

Mighty® 'Chocolate Cherry' thrives in moist, well-drained soil and it super heat tolerant, and even cold tolerant too! This shade perennial will light up your garden with eccentric color and fragrance. You won't be disappointed with these robust and string flower spikes. Zones 3 to 8.

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