Summerpac Hybrid Squash Seeds


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Days to Maturity: 47

If other squash refuse to set when the temperature climbs in your garden, Summerpac is the crookneck you've been looking for!

Smooth and wart-free, these 5- to 6-inch fruits set in huge numbers on nearly spineless bush-habit plants. Bright yellow and firm, they are delicious raw or cooked.

Summerpac is a reliably heavy bearer, right through the dog-days of August. It's the hot-climate favorite!

Summer squash ripens during the hot summer months and, thin-skinned, is best eaten fresh. Sow seeds 1 inch deep directly into the garden after the danger of frost is past. Thin the seedlings to 24 inches apart, or plant several seeds in hills 4 feet apart and then thin to 2 plants per hill. (For even earlier harvests, start seeds indoors).

Pkt of 20 seeds

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