Southern Charm Hybrid Verbascum Seeds


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Forget everything you know about Verbascum -- Southern Charm is so different from the common Mullein that it might as well be a new species! This magnificent perennial blooms the very first year from seed, setting flowers both in spring and fall. Its blend of colors, superb bloom power, and refusal to self-sow or look "weedy" make it one of the most striking plants in the sunny garden -- yet it remains easy to grow and trouble-free!

First, let's talk about the flowers. They arise in pairs, each bloom about 1½ inches across, on long, strong flowerstalks a full 2 to 2½ feet high! The pairs open one blossom at a time, so that as the first one fades, the second pops open to double the staying power of the stem! And the colors are fantastic -- a soft blend of creamy golden, peachy rose, and softest lavender, starred by a fuzzy purple center. No other flower in the garden shares this incredible mix of pastel tones!

Second, the bloomtime. Southern Charm blooms the first year from seed, requiring no cold period to set its flowers. It flowers first in spring, then goes dormant during the hot summer months and returns when the weather cools down in fall. How convenient is that? Terrific color during the two seasons when the rest of the perennial bed is definitely not at its peak!

Third, the plant habit. Even when Southern Charm isn't blooming, you'll love its soft, silvery foliage. When not in bloom, the plant reaches about 2 to 2? feet high and 12 to 16 inches wide. And unlike every other Verbascum I know, Southern Charm absolutely will NOT self-sow in your garden or begin to look overgrown and under-tended in a year or two. That alone makes it a must-have for me!

Finally, the growth and care. Verbascum is easy to start from seed, either directly in the sunny garden anytime from spring till 2 months before first frost (for blooms the following spring) or indoors in late winter for setting out in spring. Germination takes 15 to 20 days. Grow the plants in full sun and very well-drained soil, even unfertile or poor soil. Space them about 12 inches apart for dense coverage. Perfect for the back of the perennial border! Zones 5-9. Pkt is 15 seeds.

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