Primlet Primrose Mix Seeds


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Here it is, your must-have new variety for spring! Primlet Mix is an absolutely stunning selection of Rosebud Primroses, breathtaking little blooms in all colors that release a sweet fragrance, look great in the vase or on the lapel, and begin opening in late winter in many areas! And the best part? They love partial shade, even the poor dry shade beneath trees, where you can't get much of anything exciting to grow!

The first few blooms may be single-flowered, but Primlet Mix quickly "finds its feet" and begins offering petal-packed, whorled blooms of blue, purple, red, yellow, white, and orange -- even a picotee fuchsia may pop in this mix! They are perfectly formed and so exquisite on low-growing plants that look like bright jewels in the dull February sunshine. Your shade garden is about to take a dramatic upturn with the Primlets!

Just 6 inches high and 6 to 8 inches wide, this plant sets a groundhugging rosette of large green leaves, topped by a central cluster of brilliant blooms from late winter into spring. The flowers look for all the world like miniature roses, and they even have the sweet, pleasing scent you associate with roses! Expect them to last up to 3 weeks in the vase; they make delightful little bouquets for the breakfast table, and are stunning boutonnieres.

Primlet Mix is perennial, but that scarcely matters, because it is going to self-sow where it is happy, so you will always have fresh new plants emerging just when the garden is at its dreariest. Of course, this primrose is also a good choice for containers, beginning the season of color early on the patio and deck.

Primrose is a plant for cool, humid climates, thriving in dappled sun or partial shade in all but cold regions. It needs rich soil to grow and bloom its best, so keep the soil moist throughout the growth season. Once established, it makes itself at home even in the dry soil above tree roots and other "difficult" areas. Its roots are shallow, so keep the plant nicely mulched. It may go entirely dormant in hot summer weather, but will be back again!

Divide these plants every three years or so, directly after they stop flowering, to keep up their vitality and bloom strength. You will find Primlet Mix an endless source of beauty and interest in the garden and vase. And between dividing mature plants and getting new ones from volunteer seeds, you should even have a few to share with gardening friends! Enjoy this exciting new variety. Packet is 10 seeds.

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