Lemongrass Seeds
95 days from sowing.
An essential herb for Asian cuisine, the leaves and stems of lemongrass can be used fresh or dried to impart a distinct lemon flavor. Lemongrass also makes a wonderful ingredient for hot teas, and is attractive enough to grow simply as an ornamental in patio pots or in the sunny garden.
This clump-forming perennial resembles an ornamental grass with its aromatic cane-like stems arising from a central base. The lemon-scented, linear, strap leaves reach 3 feet long, falling over at the tip. It is a honeybee magnet, and a useful addition to any garden friendly to butterflies, bees, and other wildlife.
Lemongrass thrives in moist soil and full sun, growing 3 to 5 feet tall within a single season. The seed germinates in 7 to 14 days, and the plant reaches a good size for picking about 3 months later. If you begin the seeds indoors, transplant the young plants at about 6 inches high.
Lemongrass is hardy only in zones 8-11, so if you live north of its range, you may want to grow it in containers, where it can be brought to a bright, frost-free location for winter. Quite long-lived, it will fulfill all your culinary needs for many seasons!
Pkt is 100 seeds.