Lemon Balm Seeds


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Days to maturity: 35 days.

Lemon Balm's most popular use is in soothing herbal teas, where its lemon-scented volatile oils are released, but it is also a popular garden plant for its refreshing, soothing aroma. The dried leaves are also a perfect ingredient for potpourri and dream pillows. The bees will love you!

Perennial in zones 3-7, Lemon Balm has a four-angled stem that supports its toothy leaves. Insignificant pale yellow flowers are produced in summer, but if you are growing it for use in teas or as flavoring, harvest it when the plant first sets buds (and pinch away early buds).

At maturity, Lemon Balm reaches 24-36 inches tall and 18-24 inches wide. It likes consistently moist soil in full sun or light shade. Easy and so fragrant, it is a must-have not only in the herb garden, but in the border and near garden paths, where its scent will be released when passersby brush the foliage.

Start the seeds indoors, germinating at about 68 degrees F. If you are using the Bio Dome, drop one seed in each pre-drilled bio sponge. For seed flats, barely cover the seeds with vermiculite or sowing medium. Germination takes about 2 to 3 weeks, but is very dependable. Transplant into container or garden when seedlings have at least 2 sets of true leaves and all danger of frost is past.

Pkt is 100 seeds.

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