English Lavender Seeds


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Days to Maturity: 90

This species of Lavender is one of the richest in essential oils, meaning more fragrance power both fresh and dried. Fresh flowers can be crystalized and used in candies and cakes; dried flowers are used in potpourris and satchets; oils are used in creams and perfumes. These are only some of the more common uses - imagination can create endless more!

An evergreen perennial, English lavender has a subtle blue-green coloring and sweet fragrance. Reaching 24 to 36 inches high, it boasts 2 1/2 inch, linear, downy leaves on strong stems. The leaves first open white, then turn a pale gray-blue-green color. Stalks of tiny purple flowers grow up to 14 inches tall.

Grow in a well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil in an open, sunny spot. Trim back in spring to encourage bushier growth; also deadhead after flowering.

Pkt of 100 seeds

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