Large Flowered Mix Sunflower Seeds
One of our personal favorites, this autumn-toned mix gives you all the rich shades of gold, red, and bronze you want, and the big blooms are magnificent for garden or cutting!
6-inches or more across, these blooms include bicolored and ringed varietiesno two are just alike! They appear on very vigorous 6 to 10 foot plants that make the perfect background for shorter plantings, or form a spectacular planting alongside outdoor structures.
Sunflowers are the kings of the natural sunny summer garden, attracting butterflies and birds. They're wonderfully easy to growjust direct-sow the large seeds after all danger of frost. Not picky about soil type, they need direct sun. Thin the plants to 2 to 4 feet apart so that they can show off their foliage a bit as they grow.
Pkt of 50 seeds