Black Eyed Susan Vine White Black Eye
Welcome the newest member of the Black Eyed Susan family -- bold, flower happy, formal black and white Black Eyed Susie!
As if arrayed in evening attire, this smart vine is prepared to dress up any part of your garden or even your containers. Let it race up a trellis, festoon the mailbox or pillar, or show off against a wall or fence.
Black Eyed Susie is very quick to bloom, offers a super long season of color, and has a classic color pattern that complements everything in the garden!
The blooms are a good size, held wide open and measuring about 1¼ to 1½ inches across. The petals are white (with hints of softest yellow toward the center), surrounding a bold black eye. And the blooms are VERY profuse, simply covering this 5 to 8 foot vine over a long early summer to frost season. Talk about long blooming -- Black Eyed Susie keeps you in color for up to 6 months!
If you like this Black Eyed Susan, take a look at her cousins Sunrise Surprise and Blushing Susie, both with rich mixed colors. And then there's the classic orange yellow variety that has been delighting gardeners for generations.
Happiest in full sun and moist, well drained soil, Black Eyed Susie should be sown directly into the soil or container in which she will be grown. Plant the seeds when the soil warms in spring, and in no time you'll be training up this vigorous little vine and enjoying its big bounty of bright color!
Pkt is 25 seeds.