Purple Majesty Hybrid Ornamental Millet Seeds



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It's not often the All-America Selections committee awards a Gold Medal -- but then, Purple Majesty is a one-of-a-kind garden performer! This trouble-free Ornamental Millet is deep purple from the base of its stem to the tip of its long, flower-packed stalk! Just set it in full sun and enjoy deep violet color for three seasons every year!

4 to 5 feet tall and boasting flowerstalks a full 12 to 14 inches long all summer, Purple Majesty is easy to direct-sow or to begin indoors (where it will remain green until you expose it to full, direct sunshine). It thrives in high heat and unremitting sun, so grow it alongside the blazing driveway, in the foundation border, along the fence, or at the back of the patio near a warm wall. Virtually untroubled by pests and disease, it grows quickly, with several main stems and secondary shoots all sporting blooms in summer. Space plants about 10 to 12 inches apart for a thick, even line of unbelievable color!

Purple Majesty makes a fine backdrop to trailing Petunias in the container or garden, and makes yellow and green Zinnias sizzle in the annual border. It is striking with any silver-foliaged plant, and complements white and pink Poppies beautifully. When we grew it in our trial gardens last summer, it was THE talked-about plant!

Purple Majesty is best started outdoors when temperatures are consistently above 60 degrees or indoors in warmed seed trays. Chilly weather will stop plant growth or weaken its stems, so don't start your seeds too far in advance. Germination is very quick -- just 3 days! -- and plant growth is rapid and vigorous under good conditions. If you begin seeds indoors, the plants will remain green until set outside, then burnish a lovely violet within several days! Stunning! Pkt is 15 seeds.

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