Zinderella Purple Zinnia Seeds


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The Zinderella family of Zinnias burst onto the scene when Peach won Europe's Fleuroselect Novelty Award for its unique color and very unusual flower form. Known as scabiosa blooms for their resemblance to Pincushion Flower (Scabiosa), these double blooms are eye-catching from way down the street, and boast so many layers of petals they are often as "tall" as they are wide!

Zinderella Purple is a magnificent shade of fuchsia-lilac, simply radiating tropical brilliance in the summer sun. Reaching 2 to 3 inches wide, these blooms boast a pompom of tightly-clustered short petals above a multi-layered skirt of longer, daisy-like petals. During the summer with warm days and warm nights, there will be around 10-15-20% single flowers. When night and day temperatures differ, double blooms will appear! Very distinctive!

And like all Zinnias, Zinderella is long-lasting in garden or vase. The blooms attract pollinators and "good bugs" that can help repel pests from vegetable crops and other flowering varieties, so scatter your Zinnias where you like -- they help the whole garden!

One of the very easiest annuals to grow from seed, Zinnia can be direct-sown into the warm spring soil of the annual bed or begun indoors in the Bio Dome. It grows in a flash and blooms heavily. A "cut-and-come-again" annual, it sets new buds as soon as the old flowers are cut or deadheaded, so it repeats reliably all summer. Zinderella Purple reaches about 2 feet tall and wide, with good branching and masses of buds. Make it part of your sunny bed and best containers this season!

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