Easy Wave® Burgundy Star Petunia Seeds
How could the award-winning, super-popular Wave® series of Petunias possibly be improved upon? By introducing the first-ever striped Easy Wave®, of course! With a more mounding, slightly less spreading habit, it sets new blooms from the center as well as the ends of each stem, keeping the planting looking fresh and newly-opened month after month!
Petunia Wave® has taken the gardening world by storm since its introduction a few years ago. Its spreading habit is just stunning, covering ground at the rate of several inches every single day, and trailing lots of big, colorful blooms as it goes! Easy Wave® Burgundy Star doesn't reach quite as far as the older Waves, but it stands up "taller," reaching 8 to 12 inches high and trailing 2 1/2 to 3 feet! You will love the endless bloom power and the improved shape of this plant, which is ideal for hanging baskets, windowboxes, and flowerpots of all kinds!
Easy to grow from our convenient pelleted seed, which should be started indoors 5 to 6 weeks before transplant to the early-spring garden. Set out plants when all danger of frost is past. Easy Wave® Burgundy Star will begin blooming 10 to 12 weeks after sowing. It is magnificent in hanging baskets, window boxes, and large containers, as well as an unrivalled ground cover for bright sun. You will love this brand-new look for the Wave® family! Pkt is 10 pelleted seeds.