Pinca Zinnia Seeds



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Zinnia goes designer with this exciting cactus-flowered, fully double rosy-pink beauty! Huge 5-inch flowers are packed with long, slender petals that open pale green, then quickly blush a rich shade of pink. Terrific for cutting, and absolutely showstopping in the garden!

The long, spidery petals are held in a beautifully symmetrical form on these giant blooms. Long-lasting and vibrant, they begin opening with the first hint of summer heat and continue right into autumn in mild and warm climates. Carried on sturdy stems, they last and last. And like all zinnia, they're "cut-and-come-again," meaning the quicker you pick or deadhead the blooms, the quicker you get new buds to replace them.

'Pinca' reaches 36 inches high and about 18 inches wide, with good branching and excellent disease resistance. It's as easy as can be to start from seed—just direct-sow the seeds into warm spring soil exposed to full sunshine, and before you know it, little green shoots are pushing up. This plant does need good soil drainage and appreciates not being too crowded in the garden. Other than that, it's utterly carefree. Few annuals are quicker, easier, or more rewarding!

If you love cut flowers, 'Pinca' is the answer to your dreams. It's very free-flowering, so you can always dash out and find a few flowers for that big arrangement or birthday bouquet. Try it combined with pompon-shaped 'Tudor' Zinnia for an amazing pink-and-purple combo that lasts and lasts. You're going to have such fun with this new zinnia!

Pkt of 50 seeds

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