Delphina Light Blue White Bee Delphinium


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At last, a Delphinium that's petite enough to put in containers yet strong and very heavy-blooming, with double blooms that may repeat! And the best part? This is an open-pollinated seed variety! We throw around the term "breeding breakthrough" sometimes, but it's really true in the case of Delphina!

Already a sensation in Europe, where it swept away a Fleuroselect Novelty Award, Delphina is just 20 inches high and 16 inches wide, yet branches nicely with no pinching or other help from you, and sets big double blooms of soft powder-blue with a bold white bee (central cluster of petals). It blooms heavily in late spring and early summer, and then sometimes repeats!

Delphina is easy to grow in full sun, and attracts butterflies as well as hummingbirds> Nibbling rabbits and deer leave it alone, and it makes excellent cut-flowers, whether fresh or dried. This sun-lover appreciates deadheading to stimulate rebloom. But be sure to leave the final flowers of the season on the plant, so it can self-sow! Zones 3-7.

Direct-sow these seeds into the warm spring soil or, for quicker blooms, begin indoors a few weeks before the last anticipated frost. The seeds germinate within 2 weeks at 60 degrees F, lightly covered (or dropped into the planting holes of the Bio Dome.) After the seeds sprout, grow on in a low humidity setting with cooler temperatures. It is ready to transplant when it has 5 or 6 sets of true leaves and the soil is warm.

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