Penny Purple Picotee Viola Seeds


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A brilliant picotee Penny, so charming three seasons out of the year! America's favorite Viola, Penny delights with bright colors and unbelievable hardiness. Give this tiny gem a try for just one season, and then come back for a dozen more packets in every color!

Penny is a true perennial, usually the first Viola to bloom in spring, before the frost is completely gone from the ground. Very free-blooming, it scatters these charming lavender-blue and white "faces" freely above the deep green leaves, welcoming another season of beauty into the garden!

Very tolerant of heat, Penny is a great choice for southern and western gardens, where spring can give way suddenly to climbing temperatures and an early summer. And this tough-as-nails perennial doesn't mind a touch of frost -- it's all in a day's work for Penny!

This plant is just 4 to 6 inches high and 6 to 8 inches wide, perfect for neat accents, mass plantings, and overflowing containers. Zones 4-9. Pkt is 25 seeds.

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