Mars Madness Hibiscus


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If falling in love with Mars Madness is crazy, we don't want to be sane! This statuesque beauty presents massive, deep cerise blooms from midsummer into early fall, seamlessly extending the season of beauty in your garden with its unrivaled visual impact.

Unlike similar plants, the showy 6- to 8-inch blossoms of this Rose Mallow cover the plant from top to bottom for a solid display that keeps you staring. Even its midnight green leaves, which emerge coppery purple in spring, add a note of dramatic color contrast to the bright billowing flowers.

Mars Madness is deer resistant, fast-growing, and a magnet for hummingbirds, bees, and other pollinators. It thrives in full sun, but can tolerate dappled shade and needs plenty of consistent water for it to enjoy a long healthy life in the garden. Introduce this selection of the native American hibiscus into your landscape and let it transport you to a floral fantasyland! Zones 4-9.

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