Miyazaki Toad Lily Perennial Seeds
A delightful surprise in the shady garden, Toad Lily Miyazaki offers exquisite blooms that resemble exotic orchids, borne all along the spine of symmetrical, arching 3-foot stems! Looking more like a painting than a hardy perennial, this Toad Lily blooms in October, when little else in the garden is colorful, its remarkable foliage and flowers forming the central point of any garden spot where it is located. 'Miyazaki' has orchid spotted flowers along arched stems! An excellent and floriferous flower to add to your garden.
The blooms are 1-1/4-inch across, rosy-lavender and white, standing out brilliantly against the thick, dark green pointed leaves. They return reliably for many years, contrasting well with the ferns and other foliage plants of the partially to fully shaded garden. Truly unique! Happiest in the rich, moist soil of the shady woodland or waterside planting, this Toad Lily quickly forms large, handsome colonies. Pkt is 25 seeds.