Fig Chicago Hardy


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After a single bite into a fig, we know well why figs figure so prominently in scriptures (e.g., Biblical proverb: ¡°He who guards the fig tree will eat its fruit¡±) and myths. Strikingly attractive trees, lushly embroidered with large, three-fingered leaves, bestow a luscious cavalcade of golf ball-sized deep-purple figs. High-performance shrubs produce up to 100 pints of figs in a season. Figs are epicurean marvels, delicious in salads, added to cereal, or served as a wrapped appetizer. The cold-hardiest (hence ¡®Chicago¡¯) fig available, handsome trees can grow up to 30 feet; or you can keep them at 6 feet: it¡¯s up to you. Low upkeep trees can grow just about anywhere. Drought-tolerant, pest-resistant.

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