Hops Chinook


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In recent years, ¡®Chinook¡¯ hops have earned a devoted following of craft-brewers on a quest for the Great American Ale. Northwest native provides plentiful cool-green seed-bearing cones (or flowers) which, once prepared, are indispensable to your very own home brew. ¡®Chinook¡¯s unique matrix of flavor and aromatics¡ªpiney, grapefruit, and spicy notes in concert with deeper smoky flavor and aroma¡ªgive character and heft to pale ale, wheat beer, and stout. ¡®Chinook¡¯ will flourish in all types of climate and terrain, from desert regions to the rainy Northwest. In their first growing season, once your vigorous plants have yielded a big hop crop, it¡¯s time to get brewing. Disease-resistant.

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