Cosmic Red Cosmos Seeds



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A new color for the Cosmic family, and the most exciting yet in terms of intense, eye-popping beauty! These blooms are a brilliant scarlet-red, their color becoming brighter and more intense as the summer sun grows hotter! You can't beat Cosmic Red for a mass planting alongside the driveway or blazing cement patio, where it will soak up the heat and look all the better for it!

Boasting greater color and more vigor than most of this very colorful and vigorous family, the Cosmic series stands out as a bedding and border treasure no garden should be without. Cosmic Orange was an AAS Winner when it was introduced in 2000, while Cosmic Yellow takes top "butterfly honors" in my garden! But I think Cosmic Red may be the best of them all. The color is SO intense, so attention-getting, that even a small planting is visible from across the garden, and a large one is a sea of glorious color!

Masses of 2-inch double and semi-double blooms arise all summer long on well-branched 12- to 22-inch plants. Heat- and pest-resistant, Cosmic thrives on neglect, spreading 12 to 17 inches wide even in poor, dry soils. Months of joy in the garden from this stunning AAS winner!

Like all Cosmos, this charming variety thrives in the sunny garden, drawing butterflies and compliments by the dozen. Simply direct-sow the seeds wherever you'd like lots of quick, long-lasting color. Two and a half months later the plants are in full bloom! The flowers are great in vases too, keeping their color and holding up their heads over a long period. And the plants will thrive even in poor dry soils, making them ideal for blazing-hot trouble spots as well as beds, borders, and walkways. Packet is 50 seeds.

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