Delphinium Aurora™ Blue


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This hybrid species is by far the most vigorous and uniform of the Delphinium cultivars and has the sturdiest stems. Blooming early to midsummer in stately spires of spectacular vivid blue semi-double florets, each with a pure white "bee" (center), the plant attracts throngs of hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Tightly packed and borne on sturdy stems, the flowers make attractive, long-lasting cuts for the vase.

Forming an upright mound of deeply lobed dark green foliage, this herbaceous sun perennial, of the buttercup family, adds lovely texture to a border. It is shown to best effect when planted in groups but also makes a stunning accent or specimen. Just be sure the soil is average to moist, neutral, alkaline, or acidic.

Planting in a location protected from wind and staking individual flower stems (not the flower spikes) prevents wind damage and immediately trimming spent stems to the base encourages rebloom later in autumn.

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