Very rich flavored and mild heat Porcelain garlic. Delicious buttery flavors arise when 'Georgia Crystal' is slow roasted. This variety does well across the nation except where summers are particularly hot. Harvest fall planted garlic the following season, late spring or early summer, about 240 days from planting. Harvest spring planted garlic the same season, about 90 days from planting. Averages 4-5 cloves per bulb. Hardneck variety.
Very rich flavored and mild heat Porcelain garlic. Delicious buttery flavors arise when 'Georgia Crystal' is slow roasted. This variety does well across the nation except where summers are particularly hot. Harvest fall planted garlic the following season, late spring or early summer, about 240 days from planting. Harvest spring planted garlic the same season, about 90 days from planting. Averages 4-5 cloves per bulb. Hardneck variety.