Hawaiian Mix™ Nasturtium Seeds



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Soft-toned blooms with wide, overlapping petals combine shades of coral, apricot, lemon, cream, crimson, and scarlet on this compact, very fast-growing vine. Every garden deserves Nasturtium, and with Hawaiian Mixâ„?you get big, wide-open flowers that begin in early summer and won't quit 'til frost!

This plant grows in a flash, even indoors in a sunny window. It soft, rounded sage-green leaves may remind you of Geranium, and the blooms look a bit like little Hibiscus -- perfect for a variety named after the Aloha State! Actually Nasturtium is native to the Andes region of South America, but this color blend undoubtedly suggests the Pacific Islands!

The flowers reach about 2½ inches wide, beginning with the first hot weather of summer and continuing until the first frost outdoors. Indoors they continue to flower intermittently year-round, for truly delightful hanging baskets and trailing windowsill glory! This Nasturtium is far more restrained than older varieties, generally reaching just a foot or so long. Such glorious color, and in a much more compact package!

The flowers of Hawaiian Mixâ„?are edible, with a peppery bite that works well in salads and vegetable dishes. If adding them to food, sprinkle the petals or petal pieces on just before serving, to keep them fresh and colorful. A nice touch for special occasions!

Hawaiian Mixâ„?can be direct-sown in any warm soil. It will sprout in just 6 to 10 days, and grow very quickly in full sun and well-drained soil. Feed it only sparingly, or it will produce more foliage than blooms. Enjoy this carefree source of brilliant color! Pkt is 50 seeds.

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