Big Blue Salvia Seeds



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Here it is -- the wall of nonstop color you have wanted for your sunny to lightly shaded garden bed and containers! Featuring bigger, brighter blue blooms that repeat from midsummer through fall right up to frost, Big Blue is the must-have annual of the season!

There have been other interspecific Sage varieties, but not from seed! Big Blue is the first, and boy, was it ever worth waiting for! These brilliant spikes of searing blue reach 2 to 3 feet high, and the plant is nearly 2 feet wide. Find a big generous spot and let Big Blue transform it into a butterfly haven, or use this annual in your cutflower garden for continuous spires of color that hold up well in the vase.

Another wonderful feature of Big Blue? It doesn't need deadheading! So you can enjoy these fresh spikes for months without having to shear the old blooms back first. That's a huge boon for busy gardeners!

Big Blue combines two species -- S. longispicata and S. farinacea. Both are native to Mexico, with S. farinacea (Mealycup Sage) also found in the southwestern US. Together, they are far more than the sum of their parts: they offer bigger blooms, richer color, faster repeat, and more vigorous growth! It's a marriage made in heaven!

And Big Blue can tolerate dappled or light shade, unlike many Salvias, without losing its bloom strength or upright habit. It loves hot, dry conditions, so it's ideal for the xeriscapic garden. All of this, for the price of a packet of seeds! Thank you, Big Blue!

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