Fairy Queen Salvia Seeds



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Each of these little native plants has more flowering spikes than you might think possible, appearing from the center and shooting up to 10 inches long. Packed with rich dark blue and white bicolor blooms, they are a stunning sight in the sunny garden, adding deep color to the brights and pastels of surrounding plants.

Mealy-Cup Sage is native to Texas and Mexico, known for its rich colors and abundant blooms. Fairy Queen takes this to extremes, with longer flowering spikes, far more profuse blooms, and a longer season! Expect the bicolor azure-and-white flowers to begin in early summer and to continue 'til the middle of fall, delighting the butterflies and hummingbirds as well as cut-flower lovers everywhere.

One of the easiest plants to grow, Fairy Queen stands up effortlessly to heat, humidity, drought, pests, diseases, and poor soil. It is perennial in zones 8-10 and happily grown as an annual everywhere else. put it in containers behind low-growing or trailing annuals, fill the sunny bed or border with its stately spikes, or line it along walkways and drives. This plant is so carefree that it is bound to be successful in just about any sunny, well-drained soil.

If you like this Mealy-Cup Sage, take a look at award-winning Evolution and ultra-slender, midnight-violet Victoria. Plants this beautiful and easy are hard to come by, and you may just want to create a low-maintenance, water-saving Salvia garden!

Packet is 50 seeds.

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