Cha Cha™ Lavender Penstemon


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This Beardtongue grows spires of tubular flowers that are so big they dwarf the foliage, and yet the stems hold their picture-perfect form without any need for pruning! A standout in the Cha Chaâ„?series, Lavender boasts soft purple blooms all season long, inviting in flocks of butterflies and hummingbirds!

A hardy, drought-tolerant cultivar of the native western species, Lavender is a boon in any sunny garden! Provide it a sunny spot with excellent drainage and it will tolerate wind, rain, heat, and drought all superbly well, bouncing back time after time! The substantial, healthy foliage grows on basal-branching plants. The charming lavender blooms also make excellent additions to indoor arrangements. You will love this versatile, carefree source of color for the border or meadow garden! Zones 6-9.

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