ColorSpires® Azure Snow


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If you have a swathe of sun-soaked soil left anywhere in the perennial border or meadow garden, treat it to the long-lasting, multi-season beauty of Salvia ColorSpires® Azure Snow. This lovely perennial has amazing color and bloom performance. Deep violet-blue and white bi-colored blooms grow upwards and above neatly mounded foliage. Lightly and pleasantly scented, this perennial is beautiful when planted in drifts or even in a mixed container to provide a vertical element. They make nice fillers for indoor bouquets, but are so spectacular when massed in the garden that you may not be able to bear cutting them! You will enjoy these lovely blooms from spring through the summer - and so will the hummingbirds and butterflies!

Space these perennials about 15 inches apart in the garden. Famously unfussy about soil, they flourish in blazing sun, tolerating drought and heat. Make new plants to share with others or to increase your own garden holdings by dividing mature plants every 3 to 4 years. Zones 3-8

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