Roadster Hybrid Tomato Seeds


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Days to Maturity: 65 to 70


These large tomatoes fruit very early and are top rated for flavor! The perfect balance of sweet and acidic. High quality tomato and is extra large. These tomato plants are medium tall and do great with a light pruning. They have high yield potential and a great reputation.

A great choice for northern climates, where the growing season is short, Roadster is also a good "last minute" tomato—sow it and harvest it quickly if the season has gotten away from you! This delicious variety brings the joy of big harvests to any garden.

Start seeds indoors 5 to 6 weeks before the last frost date. Plant outdoors when danger of frost is past and night temperatures consistently remain above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If an unexpected late frost is forecasted, protect young plants with plastic sheeting or other cover. Set plants 2 to 2½ feet apart.

The amount of space you need to keep between Tomato plants depends on the type you're growing: Determinate and compact indeterminate—2 feet apart.

Pkt of 10 seeds

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