Giant Garden Paste Hybrid Tomato Seeds


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95 days from setting out transplants. Indeterminate.

Enjoy the best sauces of your gardening life with Giant Garden Paste, a large, boat-shaped red Roma tomato offering the ideal blend of sugary sweetness and tangy acids. Reaching up to 10 ounces, these unusually shaped fruits deliver plenty of delicious nutrition on plants that keep producing all summer long!

These nicely lobed fruits vary from 8 to 10 ounces on average, with a distinctive shape and plenty of gels and solids. They are quite crack-resistant, and arise generously on plants that resist Fusarium and Verticillium Wilt. Healthy, trouble-free, and ready to keep growing all season -- you can't beat the vigor of Giant Garden Paste!

Use the fruit for canning, saucing, and fresh slicing. You will get more than you bargained for with these extra-large tomatoes!

Start seeds indoors 5 to 6 weeks before the last frost date. Plant outdoors when danger of frost is past and night temperatures consistently remain above 55 degrees F. If an unexpected late frost is forecasted, protect young plants with plastic sheeting or other cover. Set plants 2 to 2½ feet apart. Pkt is 30 seeds.

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