Ladybug Hybrid Tomato Seeds


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65 days from setting out transplants. Indeterminate.

You'll love the ease of growth and the sweet, sweet flavor of this charming Cherry! Widely adapted to many parts of the country, Ladybug is a delight for Tomato growers everywhere!

These little 1-ounce fruits are very resistant to cracking, the scourge of many a Cherry Tomato. They are ultra-sweet, with a good solids-to-gel ratio. And they arise by the hundred on indeterminate plants! If you're thinking about growing a Cherry this year, give Ladybug a try!

Start seeds indoors 5 to 6 weeks before the last frost date. Plant outdoors when danger of frost is past and night temperatures consistently remain above 55 degrees F. If an unexpected late frost is forecasted, protect young plants with plastic sheeting or other cover. Set plants 2 to 2 1/2 feet apart. Pkt is 30 seeds.

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