Tomato Marzito Seeds


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Days to Maturity: 50 to 55

This small, versatile tomato is reminiscent of a Roma with its elongated shape and deep red coloring, but not in size, because it's a mini, just 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. So, if you're tired of plain globe-type tomatoes or looking for a tomato that cooks up well into a sauce, then the Marzito is the tomato for you.

There's nothing better in the summer than a home-grown tomato. And the flesh of these tomatoes is meaty and sweet. They are delicious straight off the vine. So, don't be surprised if your Marzitos don't make it into the house after picking.

Marzito tomatoes are climbing tomatoes. You'll need to plant them in the ground and provide them with a sturdy cage or trellis to support their growth. Seeds germinate quickly, in as little as 2 to 3 days after sowing. Start seeds indoors and transplant outside after threat of frost has passed. The plant has at least two sets of true leaves. It is hardy and highly disease resistant.

If you plan to start your seeds indoors, be sure to check out our Bio Dome Seed Starter Kit. With the Bio Dome, you can control the temperature, light, and soil mix to ensure your seeds become strong for transplant.

Pkt of 10 seeds

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