Heuchera Little Cuties™ Blondie


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'Blondie' will provide your shade garden with caramel colored foliage and flower spikes of creamy yellow in the spring and summer months. It is a blooming machine with up to twenty flower spikes at a time. You won't be the only one who loves the constant blooms, your butterflies will flock to it as well. It is compact enough for a container, or grow it directly in the landscape. Commonly called Coral Bells, this Heuchera is hardy even to -30 degrees F in the winter months. It is heat tolerant up to zone 9b and provides high impact color even in a hot climate!

Plant 'Blondie' in part shade or full shade. It prefers well drained, slightly alkaline soil. Do not bury the crown of the plant. This heuchera has an excellent tight habit that is perfect for the front of the shady border and the foliage will hold up through the season. Add it to your landscape today!

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