Primo™ Black Pearl Coral Bells


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We've found a Heuchera that takes our breath away! Primoâ„?Black Pearl's legendary foliage is as dark as the night sky and just as mesmerizing. Glossy deeply lobed leaves with purple undersides gather into an amazingly dense mound that is a real standout wherever you plant it. Dark and dignified, this shade loving perennial gives way to delicate white and pink flowers in summer which attract pollinators. It stays evergreen (or should we say everblack?) all year in nearly all climates and even resists rabbits.

This is a very vigilant Heuchera, it is highly heat-tolerant and can withstand some of the hottest summers. This easy-to-grow plant will make the perfect addition to your landscape. Due to its low, mounding habit it is often used as an edging or in containers.

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