Heuchera Dolce® Wildberry


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True purple is such a rare thing to see in the gardens of today and that's a real shame. After all, who doesn't want to feel a little royal from time to time? Thankfully, 'Wildberry' is here to rectify this wrong and bring deep, enthralling plummy goodness to landscapes across the nation. Its broad leaves are the richest shades of purple we've ever laid eyes on, and the burst of colorful foliage could put its floral neighbors to shame! Although best known for its dramatic leaves, this heuchera refuses to miss out on the flower fun and sends up dark stems carrying charming white blooms that attract butterflies and hummingbirds from far and wide. 'Wildberry' is a breeze to grow, salt-tolerant and versatile growing well in the terrain as well as in containers. Try a taste of untamed sweetness with this gorgeous shade plant and you won't be disappointed.

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